by Larry Hart, D.Min.
Wipf & Stock Publishers

A Grammar of Holy Mystery is described editorially as a provocative and insightful book about Classical Christian Spirituality. It is about mysticism as a first-hand encounter with the presence of God: unfathomable, fulfilling and mysterious. It is about the transforming truth lived by saints, sages, and mystics, found in Christ, taught in Scripture, and passed on as a sacred trust through the ages. It shows a way out for those either traumatized by harsh churches, or turned off by superficial denominations. It shows a way of faith that renews the mind, restores the spirit, and gladdens the heart.

To see beauty is to
see the face of God
––From A Grammar of Holy Mystery

Among the questions A Grammar of Holy Mystery reflects on, both explicitly and implicitly, are:

• How would you know if you actually met a Christian?

• In the twentieth century is it possible to be a real Christian––a saint, sage, or mystic?

• Is Christianity a theory, or a numinous Reality to be felt, tasted, lived?

• What does Jesus have to do with sustainable wages, racism, health care, ecology?

• Is the Bible an inflexible rule book, an academic puzzle, a collection of reassuring fables and metaphors, or is it a reliable spiritual guide?

• Is the Christian way simply the Way; and, therefore universal and classical?

• Why on earth would anyone today want to be Christian?

To desire God is
the greatest passion.
To seek God is
the greatest adventure
To find God is
the greatest discovery
–– From A Grammar of Holy Mystery

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