Month: December 2021

A Christmas Meditation: The Gloria in Excelsis as Antidote to Anger

Fr. Larry Hart

The Light of Creation Is the Light of Bethlehem

As I begin to write it is Christmas Eve morning. It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining right now at 9:00 A.M., and the beauty of the sun glinting off of tree, and grass, and flower, and the tile roof tops “makes me,” as John Denver said of sunshine on his shoulder, “happy.” But when I took Jack for his walk at sunrise with the wind blowing and rain falling, I also felt happy as I paused for my first prayer of the day, because the clouds, and the wind, and the falling rain are also beautiful and therefore an immense joy to me. I believe that if I am open and attentive to it there is beauty in everything––absolutely everything. I am utterly convinced that both John Keats and Robinson Jeffers were entirely correct: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever;” and “In the invulnerable beauty of things we see the face of God.” And I believe that the Christmas light is the light that shone at creation and in the life of Jesus and enlightens the heart of everyone who welcomes it.

A Night Message

However, the first time I woke up this Christmas Eve morning at 3:15 A.M. I was not thinking about beauty, but about anger. I think maybe that was because Brenda and I watched the George C. Scott’s film version of Charles Dickens’s Scrooge right before going to bed. The character of Scrooge, you may remember is not only incredibly greedy and miserly, but also saturated with anger and resentment. At any rate, I woke from a dream I cannot now really remember other than the looping thought that the whole world, like Scrooge in his drab, empty, and cold house, is shriveling and slowly dying from toxic anger; and, that Christmas is the antidote.

A World Mired in Anger and Hostility

I try not to read too many internet news articles, (I have a small brain and it is easily filled with junk), but I do browse headlines. What I notice is how many of them have to do with how violent and angry people are––in politics, in sports and entrainment, in business, in just everyday life. The headlines attempt to hook us into reading the full story or opinion by using the highly charged language of anger, much of it vulgar and violent sexual language––the same language I hear angry people yelling at each other on the street or couples shouting at each other in counseling. It is as if our culture is so enraged, so addicted to anger, it has runout of words capable of expressing the intensity of its collective fury. Be that as it may, there is, in my opinion, no word in the English language more violent than that four-letter word beginning with “F.” I don’t know. Maybe humanity is devolving.

A Useful Tool and a Dangerous Corrosive

The anger in us can range from mild irritation to full-blown rage. It may pass quickly or settle into fixed resentment. It is, of course, normal to experience anger. Like anxiety anger helps us to mobilize our resources for action. It is part of our flight-fight response––our human survival mechanism. At times anger is the appropriate response to a particular situation or the actions of others. For example, it can become the catalyst for peace and social justice work. Anger can, then, like a hammer, be a useful tool, but if it is your only tool that’s a problem. When anger becomes chronic, even when it is like a difficult to diagnosis low grade infection, it is corrosive and damages the body, mind, and soul.

For some people hostility seems to take over their life and becomes a personality trait. Whether we think of anger as a psychological or spiritual disorder it is easily recognized as involving beliefs that others are unworthy or that they are likely to be sources of frustration. Angry people tend to be suspicious, cynical, jealous, and bitter. They also tend to evaluate others harshly, are slower to make positive judgments, less forgiving, and frequently hold even those they love to impossible standards.”

The list of ways chronic anger can affect a person’s well-being, and even put the health of others in jeopardy, is long. Research links it to anxiety, depression, obesity, low self-esteem, sexual performance problems, increased heart attack risk, unfulfilling and unsatisfying relationships, a higher probability of abusing others emotionally or physically or both, high blood pressure, stroke, migraines, and drug and alcohol addiction. It can even reduce the bodies immunity to disease.

The saying of the Apostle Paul is often quoted to show that it is not anger itself but what we do with it that matter: “In your anger do not sin,” wrote Paul (Ephesians 4:6). In 2 Corinthians 10:1 the word translated as “gentleness” (prautes) was defined by Aristotle as the balance between being too angry and never being angry at all. To be gentle in this sense is to be angry at the right thing or person, at the right time and place, for the right reason, and to a reasonable degree. To be angry in this way requires both a great deal of emotional maturity and spiritual wisdom.

Christmas Is the Antidote

In my dream Christmas was given as the effective antidote to chronic anger, hostility, and resentment which meant specifically the Christmas message as given in the nativity narrative of the Gospel According to Saint Luke.

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angels, praising God and saying:

Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom God’s favor rests.
(Luke 2:13-14)

Several brief observations on these lines may be helpful in explaining my dream:

First: Praise is the natural response of any being, angelic or human, who has experienced, encountered, or known the presence of God. To praise is to acknowledge with both heart and mind that God is not only to be praised but is praiseworthy. It is to acknowledge that God is that power immeasurably greater that ourselves who alone can bring sanity and serenity to our lives.

Second: Biblically the word “glory,” doxa in the Greek, refers to a bright, dazzling light which is indicative of the presence of God––the God of highest heaven. As a word of praise it would be somewhat like shouting: “The light of God,” or “The shining of God.” Many people who have had a near death experience describe it as an overwhelming sense of peace and well-being. It is like, they have said, encountering a “light”–– a living entity radiating tremendous love, acceptance, and warmth. They report feeling enveloped by this light or loving presence and that it permeates their being.

Third: Among the ancient Hebrews “peace” or “shalom” is used as both a greeting and farewell. It is actually a blessing. It is like saying to the other person may God grant you everything you truly need for your life to be whole and complete––everything you need for your total well-being. But notice how this hymn, known as the Gloria Excelsis, is the announcement of the birth of Jesus. That’s the context of this whole second chapter of Luke. The peace of God is not a psychological technique or a theological concept like you might find in the latest book by a celebrity theologian or self-help lecturer, but rather the peace of God is a person––the peace of God, the angels are saying, is an infant sleeping in a stable in Bethlehem.

Fourth: Notice the phrase: “those God favors.” The peace of God, the perfect and complete harmony of life found only in Christ who is our peace, rests this night and forever on those God favors; God’s favor, or grace, is in one sense universal, covers the whole earth, while in another sense its rests, or is upon those who see it, hear, feel it, and respond in love and gratitude. A simple loving response to the presence of Christ as the peace of God has the power to reorient our entire existence.

Now, hold these four observations in mind while at the same time remembering how Jesus taught the inwardness of spiritual religion:

What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.
(Mark 7:20-23)

Putting It All Together

When I put all of this together––the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Jesus’s teaching on the inwardness of spiritual religion, the biblical understanding of spirituality as the personal presence of God; and Saint Paul’s mystical wisdom in Ephesians 2:14-22 (“Christ is our peace. Christ’s message was peace. And if we are in Christ, we will have peace in us and become a dwelling in which God as the Holy Spirit lives.”) becomes, when I consider it all together, what I believe to be the meaning of my dream.

Henry David Thoreau was correct, “The masses of humanity live lives of quiet desperation.” Most people, in spite of their vociferous denial, live fractured and pointless lives, controlled by fear and anger they are estranged and alienated from themselves, from others, and from the deeper currents of life. They believe they can wring happiness from life if they manage events and people around them effectively. But life is riddled with strange twists and turns and uncanny contingencies. Events elude our control and people resent and resist our attempts at manipulation. When things don’t go as we wanted or planned, we become frustrated, angry, and resentful. The more our hostility grows the more out of synchronization with reality we become. But the mysterious light, and life, and love of God has, not metaphorically but in every actuality, entered the world known and inhabited by humankind, making it possible for those on watch (most often in the cold and dark) to see, and hear, and welcome this Divine power and presence of Bethlehem, to discover a new liberation, a gracious redemption––freedom from things like compulsive anger, toxic resentments, and the inner malice hidden even to themselves. How else can we respond but, “Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth!”

News That Makes Me Think––Sort Of

Larry Hart

Between Morning Cereal and Prayer

Each morning after Jack has been walked, morning meds dispensed, breakfast eaten, and the dishes done there is just enough time to sip a little more coffee and very quickly skim the news headlines on the internet before Brenda sits down with me for morning prayer. I probably shouldn’t read or listen to any news since it tends to make me nuts, or nuttier than I am; nevertheless, I consistently skim the headlines. With the risk of embarrassing Brenda by exposing just how much of a “kook” I am, here are some things that have set me off recently and what I thought about them before the quiet sanity of prayer set in. So, I guess you could call this an opinion piece. Not a well-informed opinion representing my nicer self, but something more akin to a primitive reaction Brenda has not yet quieted down.

The High Cost of Space Vacations

After reading about the rich and famous taking  off planet holidays, I have come to the conclusion that space vacations are entirely too expensive. I mean they are totally out of reach for the average family of 3.23 persons. And if you count the cost of constructing the launch site as well as the spaceship, or whatever it’s called, well it is just not affordable. What I mean is it is not affordable when the actual good it could have done in a world where we are drowning in a sea of human need is considered. So, I think whatever it costs to develop and launch a rocket for space vacations –– four times that amount should go to buy something like COVID 19 vaccine for 3rd world countries. The thing is, we obviously can’t really afford to continue to support the rich. Not only that, but they defecate everywhere (rivers, oceans, cities, Mount Everest) and now in space and expect everyone else to clean up their mess. Unlike Robert Fulghum they obviously did not learn everything they need to know in kinderdarten––”When you make a mess clean it up.”

Fantasy Football Money

It is apparently that time of year when football coaches are on the move. Those with losing records are being fired, and the successful being offered contracts that make the greedy salivate. Even I could probably be persuaded to teach two desperate kids to collide head on at 960 kg-m/s on an open field for say $1,000,000 a year. But wow! for ten times that (Brian Kelly’s LSU contract) I would maybe be willing to do it myself, provided I could use a hover board to get up to speed and the money was payable to my designated beneficiaries in the event of my expiration. Seriously, if I were declared the mad king for a day, I would degree that any college paying a head football coach $100,000,000 must offer an equal amount in free tuition; and no longer receive federal assistance. I don’t understand why we can’t create colleges that make their football teams proud. It all makes me think of a cartoon I once saw: Strange looking creatures from some distant planet are conducting an archeological dig on Earth a thousand years from now. One of them is saying, “If they paid their sports and entertainment celebrities this much think what they must have paid the really important people like schoolteachers. There is not anything money touches that it does not spoil.

The Curse of Self-Grandiosity

I see where Melinda Gates in explaining why she acquiesced to her husband Bill’s infidelity said: “The rich live by different rules from everyone else.” That’s precisely the problem, isn’t it? We all want to think that we enjoy a personal exceptionalism to the spiritual and moral principles inherent in reality itself. Self-grandiosity is the curse of humanity.

A Violent Christmas to Y’all

Congressional Representative Thomas Massie (KY 4th District) within just a few days after the Michigan School shooting that left four high school students dead and seven wounded, posted a Christmas photo of his family of seven with big cheese smiles, holding highly lethal military style weapons––including his young pre or early adolescent daughter. In the background is a tall, full, beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Massie’s tweet reads: “Merry Christmas! ps. Santa, please bring ammo.” When I consider the juxtaposition of those symbols of violence, blood, and death with the sign of peace, joy, and life expressed in the Christmas (literally Christ Mass) tree, and when I consider the happy, healthy faces of the wealthy Massie family in contrast to the anguished countenances of all those whose children have been brutally shot to death, and when I think about the sheer callousness, the inhumanity, of Tom’s tweet it makes me feel sick all over. What kind of people elect someone like that to public office?

A Movie Obscene and Absurd

Reel Works Studios and Liberty University (Jerry Falwell Jr.) made a really bad film, The Trump Prophecy. I have known for some time its making was being discussed, but have just discovered while browsing the internet news that it was actually completed and shown in theaters in 2018. It portrays Donald Trump as God’s messiah to 21st century America––– a view shared by influential fundamentalist leaders like Franklin Graham, Richard Land, and the Southern Baptist preacher Robert Jeffers. I don’t understand at all why it was not given an OA rating––obscene and absurd. That such a crazy notion is accepted as orthodox by any Christian group is absolutely mindboggling and makes sense only if understood as the sort of insane delusion that is sometimes manifested in psychotic patients. I wonder if any of these people (rank and file fundamentalists and charismatics) have ever noticed that 666 Fifth Avenue in New York was owned by the Kuushners?

The Pseudo-god of Technology––Or I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle

In an opinion piece Peter Rex, the venture capitalist, tells how at a luncheon for high tech executives in Silicon Valley he made the sign of the cross before beginning to eat–– moving his hand from his forehead to his chest and to both shoulders. “The questions,” he says, “came flying, What was that, what does it mean, why do you do it?” In this 11/20/21 U.S.A. feature he argues that the tech industry is hostile to religious conviction and practice of any sort, and thinks faith is for “rubes.” Silicon Valley, he argues, creates a hole in the human spirit and then fills it with the pseudo god of technology; indeed, fills it with the leaders of big tech who believe themselves to be god. Rex is worth quoting at length:

You see glimpses in Silicon Valley’s elitism a disdain for morality, such as LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman’s explicit desire to invest in companies built around the seven deadly sins, like lust, laziness, and anger.

You also see it in the industry’s embrace of “transhumanism” and pursuit of immortality through tech-enabled enhancements. I find it telling that in an industry where the afterlife is often an afterthought leaders like Amazon’s Jeff Bozos and Googles Sergey Brin and Larry Page are trying to end aging and death itself.

Equally dangerous and prevalent, is the view that technology itself is god. Look no further than the fascination with the “metaverse,” an all-encompassing reality. The hope is that this fake existence will save us from the mess we’ve made in real life. This misplaced faith has also led to a belief that tech can ignore the old constraints of right and wrong. Is it any wonder tech is increasingly used to censor and suppress? In the eyes of many. . . the means of tech’s use matters less than the end to which it can deliver us––namely paradise.

But technology and science, whether mathematical, physical, life, or social science, has been promising paradise now for nearly four hundred years; yet, here we are driving down the freeway to dystopia. Who knows, perhaps now that they are implanting human genes in monkeys we will eventually arrive on the Planet of the Apes, and maybe our monkey nephews and nieces will do a better job than we have. But I would recommend anyone wanting to give serious philosophical or theological thought to such mattes read C. S. Lewis’s science fiction / dystopian / fantasy novel, The Hideous Strength.

Police, Protests, and Satyagraha Power

I pretty much skip over articles on defunding the police, mainly because I think it’s one of the dumbest ideas to come along in quite some time; although, if were a criminal I am sure I would be an enthusiastic supporter. I do think well considered national criteria for police recruitment, training, and procedures ought to be established, and that there should be zero tolerance for excessive police force and acts of violence whether an officer is on or off duty. But if a woman living alone calls 911 because someone is breaking in I want a bunch of officers there fast, and if a motorcyclist passes me doing 95 on the freeway I want the police to have the personnel and equipment to get him safely off the road––maybe even be equipped to track and meet him as he arrives home with a mobile crusher that would reduce his motorcycle to the size of a band aid box on the spot. But I am beginning to fantasize. I tend to do that when thinking about things that annoy me. However, my imagination is not running away with me when I say I am opposed to violence in every form––verbal, physical, sexual, economic, political––perpetrated by any individual or any group even if I agree passionately with their end goal. I reject without equivocation the notion that the end justifies the means––even where it concerns speeding motorcyclists endangering themselves and everyone else on the road. I believe that the call to become a Christian is the call to become a satyagraha, one who holds firmly and passionately to the practice of love and truth as spiritual force––a divine power filling the devotee even in times of apparent failure.


Pastor Rick Wiles’ Holy Crusade Against Vaccine Backers and Other Nazis

Larry Hart

 I hardly ever pay attention to Newsweek (too much conservative propaganda), but this one did get my attention: Pastor Rick Wiles Says “Backers of COVID Vaccine Are New Nazis and We Need to Go to War.” In spite of his claim to be a pastor I doubt that Wiles (a name meaning deceptions, deceits, lies, cons, etcetera) possesses any higher or perduring religious or human values.

It is perhaps simpler to lump Wiles in with all those people the Pew Research Center found adopting the evangelical label because of its association with conservative Republicanism, and as a declaration of support for Donald Trump rather than because of any theological or spiritual affinity for Jesus Christ. In fact Pew Research noted that many Americans who embrace the evangelical identity hardly ever attend the religious services of any denomination.

Among the things that fascinated me in this short story is that Rick Wiles believes that both Nazis and Jews want to vaccinate billions of people in order to kill them. To quote a famous football player I will leave anonymous, “Who would have thunk it?” Jews and Nazis working together. Actually Rick, unlike Jesus of Nazareth, is only concerned with the suffering and death of certain people––the people of whom he approves. His suggestion to Donald Trump was that Donald shoot protestors to death with hollow point bullets.

Wiles is correct. He and I are at war (2 Corinthians 10:3-4; Ephesians 6:11-19; Romans 12:21), but it is a war whose etiology is in something far larger than differing opinions on the efficacy of vaccines––all that is merely symptomatic of the blind self-will that is the root of all human evil. I think that Ricks Wiles is not merely crazy (though that is one possibility) but an agent of something sinister beyond imagination. I am doing my best, or a least want to do my best, to counter that each day; that is, I want to be part of the cosmic struggle for the triumph of beauty, truth, and goodness. I believe that the work of caritas, to use the old Latin word for Biblical love, is why I am  here on this earth.

Now to think that I am an agent of beauty and truth could simply mean that I am suffering from megalomania. In Perelandra, the second book of C. S. Lewis’s science fiction/fantasy trilogy, a middle aged Oxford professor of Philology, Dr. Elwin Ransom, is confronted by his good friend Lewis with that very question. Dr. Ransom Responds like this:

When the Bible used that very expression about fighting with principalities and powers and depraved hypersomaticbeings at great heights it meant that quite ordinary people were to do the fighting.

Of course, you may think Wiley and I, and The Apostle Paul, and C. S. Lewis are wrong––that there is no great cosmic struggle. In which case I guess you might as well relax and enjoy the spectacle of terminal human stupidity.

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